„Заслепението“ е роман от австрийския писател Елиас Канети, създаден през 1931 г., публикуван през 1935 г.

Winner of the 1981 Nobel Prize for Literature, Elias Canetti uncovers the secret life hidden beneath Marrakesh’s bewildering array of voices, gestures and faces. In a series of sharply etched scenes, he portrays the languages and cultures of the people who fill its bazaars, cafes, and streets. The book presents vivid …

Providing a portrait of the author's personal background and creative development, this book presents the events, personalities and intellectual forces which shaped the growth of this artist as a young man. It covers his up-bringing in Bulgaria and later homes in Manchester, Vienna and Zurich. He was born in 1905 and …

Crowds and Power is a 1960 book by Elias Canetti, dealing with the dynamics of crowds and "packs" and the question of how and why crowds obey power of rulers. Canetti draws a parallel between ruling and paranoia. Also, the memoirs of Daniel Paul Schreber are analyzed with an implicit critique of Sigmund Freud and …