Populated with vibrant characters, The Bastard of Istanbul is the story of two families, one Turkish and one Armenian American, and their struggle to forge their unique identities against the backdrop of Turkey's violent history. Filled with humor and understanding, this exuberant, dramatic novel is about memory and …
*The international bestseller* "Every true love and friendship is a story of unexpected transformation. If we are the same person before and after we loved, that means we haven't loved enough..." Ella Rubinstein has a husband, three teenage children, and a pleasant home. Everything that should make her confident and …
Bit Palas, Elif Şafak'ın Mart 2002 tarihinde yayınladığı 381 sayfadan oluşan Şehrin Aynaları, Pinhan ve Mahrem'in ardından yazdığı dördüncü kitabıdır. Bit Palas, 2005 yılında İngiltere'de "en iyi yabancı edebiyat kısa listesi"nde yer almıştır.
Mahrem, Elif Şafak'ın Ağustos 2000 tarihinde yayınladığı, alt başlığında "görmeye ve görülmeye dair bir roman" ibaresini taşıyan üçüncü kitabıdır.
An acclaimed Turkish novelist's personal account of balancing a writer's life with a mother's life. After the birth of her first child in 2006, Turkish writer Elif Shafek suffered from postpartum depression that triggered a profound personal crisis. Infused with guilt, anxiety, and bewilderment about whether she …
The Saint of Incipient Insanities is the comic and heartbreaking story of a group of twenty-something friends, and their never-ending quest for fulfillment. Omer, Abed and Piyu are roommates, foreigners all recently arrived in the United States. Omer, from Istanbul, is a Ph.D. student in political science who adapts …
Shortlisted for the 2019 Booker Prize Named a Best Book of the Year by Bookpage, NPR, Washington Post, and The Economist A moving novel on the power of friendship in our darkest times, from internationally renowned writer and speaker Elif Shafak. In the pulsating moments after she has been murdered and left in a …