Meyhane, Émile Zola'nın romanı, 21 romanlık Rougon-Macquart dizisinin yedinci cildidir. 1871-76 arasında bu seriden yayınladığı ilk 6 kitap, satışları iyi olmakla birlikte fazla yankı uyandırmadı. 1877'de yayımlanan, alkolizmle ilgili L'Assommoir ise Zola'yı kitapları en çok satan yazarlar arasına soktu ve Fransa'nın …

The Fortune of the Rougons is a book written by Emile Zola. It is widely considered to be one of the top 100 greatest books of all time. This great novel will surely attract a whole new generation of readers. For many, The Fortune of the Rougons is required reading for various courses and curriculums. And for others …

'Money' may be said to rank among Emile Zola's notable achievements... This is not surprising... It may be safely said that its publication is well timed, for the rottenness of our financial world has become such a crying scandal, and the inefficiency of our company laws has been so fully demonstrated, that the …

Zeno's extraordinary and disturbing paradoxes, the atomic theories of Democritus that so strikingly anticipate contemporary physics, the enigmatic and haunting epigrams of Heraclitus - these are just some of the riches to be found in this collection of writings of the early Greek philosophers. Jonathan Barnes's …

La Conquête de Plassans is the fourth novel in Émile Zola's twenty-volume series Les Rougon-Macquart. In many ways a sequel to the first novel in the cycle, La Fortune des Rougon, this novel is again centred on the fictional Provençal town of Plassans and its plot revolves around a sinister cleric's attempt at …