Tells the story of a hunchback who is a failed writer that has no luck with women. He is a self-described "Bartleby", named after the Herman Melville character; someone who, when asked to reveal information about themselves, will respond that they "would prefer not to."

A quirky, cosmopolitan novel about life and literature by the prize-winning Spanish writer Enrique Vila-Matas, author of Bartleby & Co. The narrator of Montano’s Malady is a writer named Jose who is so obsessed with literature that he finds it impossible to distinguish between real life and fictional reality. Part …

Samuel Riba est l'éditeur talentueux d'un catalogue exigeant. Néanmoins, incapable de faire face à l'émergence des nouveaux médias et de concurrencer la vogue du roman gothique, il vient de faire faillite. Il sombre alors dans la déprime et le désœuvrement. Pour y remédier, il entreprend un voyage à Dublin. …