"The Undefeated" is a short story by Ernest Hemingway featured in Men Without Women. The main character, Manuel Garcia, is a bullfighter who recently got out of the hospital and is now looking for work. After an old promoter, Retana, hires him for a fight on the following evening, he enlists the help of an old friend …
Three Stories and Ten Poems was the first short story collection by Ernest Hemingway; it was also his first published work. The collection was privately published in a run of 300 copies by Robert McAlmon's "Contact Publishing" in Paris, in 1923. The three stories are: "Up in Michigan" "Out of Season" "My Old Man" The …
Under Kilimanjaro is a non-fiction novel by Ernest Hemingway, edited and published posthumously by Robert W. Lewis and Robert E. Fleming. It is based upon journals that he wrote while he was on his last safari. It is a longer and re-edited version of True at First Light. In 2007, it won the Eric Hoffer Award for Best …