True at First Light is a book by American novelist Ernest Hemingway about his 1953–54 East African safari with his fourth wife Mary, released posthumously in his centennial year in 1999. The book received mostly negative or lukewarm reviews from the popular press and sparked a literary controversy regarding how, and …

True at First Light is a book by American novelist Ernest Hemingway about his 1953–54 East African safari with his fourth wife Mary, released posthumously in his centennial year in 1999. The book received mostly negative or lukewarm reviews from the popular press and sparked a literary controversy regarding how, and …

Published posthumously in 1964, A Moveable Feast remains one of Ernest Hemingway's most beloved works. It is his classic memoir of Paris in the 1920s, filled with irreverent portraits of other expatriate luminaries such as F. Scott Fitzgerald and Gertrude Stein; tender memories of his first wife, Hadley; and …

Прощавай, зброє! — автобіографічний роман Ернеста Хемінгуея, що побачив світ у 1929 році. Тема роману — кохання під час трагічних подій Першої світової війни. Роман багато в чому є автобіографічним — Хемінгуей служив на італійському фронті, був поранений і лежав у госпіталі в Мілані, де у нього був роман з …

По кому подзвін — роман американського письменника Ернеста Хемінгуея, опублікований 1940 року. У романі розповідається історія Роберта Джордана, американського добровольця в лавах республіканців під час Громадянської війни в Іспанії. Роман розцінюють як один із найкращих у доробку автора, він був кандидатом на …

Winner Take Nothing is a 1933 collection of short stories by Ernest Hemingway. Hemingway's third and final collection of stories, it was published four years after A Farewell to Arms, and a year after his non-fiction book about bullfighting, Death in the Afternoon. The volume included the following stories: "After the …

Hemingway's Classic Novel About Smuggling, Intrigue, and Love To Have and Have Not is the dramatic story of Harry Morgan, an honest man who is forced into running contraband between Cuba and Key West as a means of keeping his crumbling family financially afloat. His adventures lead him into the world of the wealthy …

Green Hills of Africa is a 1935 work of nonfiction written by Ernest Hemingway. Hemingway's second work of nonfiction, Green Hills of Africa is an account of a month on safari he and his wife, Pauline Marie Pfeiffer, took in East Africa during December 1933. Green Hills of Africa is divided into four parts: "Pursuit …

Across the River and Into the Trees is a novel by American writer Ernest Hemingway, published by Charles Scribner's Sons in September 1950, first serialized in Cosmopolitan magazine. The title is derived from the last words of U.S. Civil War Confederate General Thomas J. Jackson, “Let us cross over the river and rest …