Rhinoceros is a play by Eugène Ionesco, written in 1959. The play was included in Martin Esslin's study of post-war avant garde drama, "The Theatre of the Absurd", although scholars have also rejected this label as too interpretatively narrow. Over the course of three acts, the inhabitants of a small, provincial …

Often called the father of the Theater of the Absurd, Eugène Ionesco wrote groundbreaking plays that are simultaneously hilarious, tragic, and profound. Now his classic one acts The Bald Soprano and The Lesson are available in an exciting new translation by Pulitzer Prize-finalist Tina Howe, noted heir of Ionesco’s …

First produced in 1963 starring Alec Guinness and successfully revived to great acclaim on Broadway in 2009, this absurdist exploration of ego and mortality is set in the crumbling throne-room of the palace in an unnamed country where King Berenger the First has only the duration of the play to live. Once, it seemed …

『禿の女歌手』 は、ウジェーヌ・イヨネスコの処女作である戯曲。『はげの歌姫』とも訳される。 1950年5月11日にパリのノクタンビュール座で初演を行う際、ニコラ・バタイユが演出を務めた。 1957年から、ユシェット座で上演されて以来、 Molière d'honneurをとったことがある。 …