Helena, published in 1950, is the sole historical novel of Evelyn Waugh. It follows the quest of Helena to find the relics of the cross on which Christ was crucified. Helena, a Christian, was the mother of the Roman emperor Constantine I. The book has been described as lacking the characteristic biting satire for …
A Little Learning: The First Volume of an Autobiography is Evelyn Waugh's unfinished autobiography. It was published just two years before his death on Easter Sunday, 1966, and covers the period of the his youth and education. The title is a well-known quotation from Pope's An Essay on Criticism, "A little learning is …
Grandeur et Décadence est le premier roman d'Evelyn Waugh. Écrit dans un style satirique, le livre dépeint la société britannique des années 1920. Le titre anglais est une allusion à l'ouvrage de Gibbon The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire : l'auteur compare la décadence de Rome et le déclin de …