image of F. A. Hayek

F. A. Hayek

... Unknown

«Дорога к рабству» — книга нобелевского лауреата по экономике Фридриха фон Хайека. Работа была переведена более чем на 20 языков и считается одним из основополагающих трудов по классическому либерализму. Книга оказала заметное влияние на мировую политику и экономику, послужив идейной основой для отказа от …

... Unknown

The Constitution of Liberty is a book by Austrian economist and Nobel Prize recipient Friedrich A. Hayek. The book was first published in 1960 by the University of Chicago Press and it is an interpretation of civilization as being made possible by the fundamental principles of liberty, which the author presents as …

... Unknown

The Fatal Conceit: The Errors of Socialism is a non-fiction book written by the economist and political philosopher Friedrich Hayek and edited by William Warren Bartley. The title of the book is a reference to a passage from Adam Smith, in his Theory of Moral Sentiments.