The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and Other Jazz Age Tales is a book written by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

The Crack-Up is a collection of essays by American author F. Scott Fitzgerald. It consists of previously unpublished letters, notes and also three essays originally written for and published first in the Esquire magazine during 1936. It was compiled and edited by Edmund Wilson shortly after Fitzgerald's death in 1940. …

Tales of the Jazz Age is a collection of eleven short stories by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Divided into three separate parts, according to subject matter, it includes one of his better-known short stories, "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button". All of the stories had been published earlier, independently, in either …

Flappers and Philosophers is the first collection of short stories written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, published in 1920. It includes eight stories: "The Offshore Pirate" "The Ice Palace" "Head and Shoulders" "The Cut-Glass Bowl" "Bernice Bobs Her Hair" "Benediction" "Dalyrimple Goes Wrong" "The Four Fists"

Le Dernier Nabab est un roman inachevé de F. Scott Fitzgerald, publié après sa mort en 1941.

Gatsby le Magnifique est le troisième roman de l'écrivain américain Francis Scott Fitzgerald. Publié en 1925 aux États-Unis, il a été traduit en français à partir de 1926 sous ce titre. L'histoire se déroule à New York dans les années 1920. Il a souvent été décrit comme le reflet des années folles dans la littérature …

Bérénice se fait couper les cheveux est une nouvelle de Francis Scott Fitzgerald publiée dans The Saturday Evening Post en 1920, avant de figurer dans le recueil de nouvelles Flappers and Philosophers.

The Pat Hobby Stories are a collection of 17 short stories written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, first published by Arnold Gingrich of Esquire magazine between January 1940 and May 1941, and later collected in one volume in 1962. The last five installments in Esquire of The Pat Hobby Stories were published posthumously; …

The Basil and Josephine Stories are a collection of two separate short stories collections by F. Scott Fitzgerald which initially ran serially in The Saturday Evening Post, and some of which were later collected in Taps at Reveille and other posthumous short story collections. The title characters were intended by …