image of Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Zakaria

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Postamerický svět je dílo autora Fareeda Zakarii. Jedná se o knihu plnou ekonomických teorií a politologických analýz. Fareed Zakaria je politolog původem z Indie, který v roce 1982 odešel studovat do USA, usadil se tam, založil rodinu a stal se americkým občanem. Kniha Postamerický svět je, stejně jako knihy jeho …

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The Future of Freedom: Illiberal Democracy at Home and Abroad is a book by Fareed Zakaria analyzing the variables that allow a liberal democracy to flourish and the pros and cons of the global focus on democracy as the building block of a more stable society rather than liberty. It was a best-seller in the United …

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New York Times Bestseller COVID-19 is speeding up history, but how? What is the shape of the world to come? Lenin once said, "There are decades when nothing happens and weeks when decades happen." This is one of those times when history has sped up. CNN host and best-selling author Fareed Zakaria helps readers to …