Fjodor Mihajlovics Dosztojevszkij

A Bűn és bűnhődés, Fjodor Mihajlovics Dosztojevszkij 1866-ban íródott regénye. A mű legfontosabb kérdése az, hogy van-e jogunk mások élete és sorsa felett dönteni.

A Feljegyzések az egérlyukból Fjodor Mihajlovics Dosztojevszkij 1864-ben megjelent műve, melynek alapkérdéseiben az író már megelőzi nagyregényeit.

A félkegyelmű Fjodor Mihajlovics Dosztojevszkij egyik jelentős regénye. Főszereplője Lev Nyikolajevics Miskin herceg, a „jó ember” idealizált típusa, aki, noha nem túlzottan okos, ugyanakkor gyermekien tiszta. A herceg hosszas betegség után érkezik haza Oroszországba, és próbál – nem csak ő tehet róla, hogy tragikusan …

The Gambler brilliantly captures the strangely powerful compulsion to bet that Dostoyevsky, himself a compulsive gambler, knew so well. The hero rides an emotional roller coaster between exhilaration and despair, and secondary characters such as the Grandmother, who throws much of her fortune away at the gaming …

A Karamazov testvérek Fjodor Mihajlovics Dosztojevszkij legnagyobb és egyben legösszetettebb alkotása, Mihail Bahtyin irodalomtudós által polifon szerkesztésűnek nevezett regény. A többszólamúság itt azt jelenti, hogy a család, a testvérek jelleme és sorsa többféle választ is nyújt a legalapvetőbb erkölcsi kérdésekre, …

“What I am writing now is a tendentious thing,” Dostoyevsky wrote to a friend in connection with his first outline for The Devils. “I feel like saying everything as passionately as possible. (Let the nihilists and the Westerners scream that I am reactionary!) To hell with them. I shall say everything to the last …

First published in 1846, Fyodor Dostoyevsky's novella "The Double" is a classic doppelgänger and the second major work published by the author. It is the story of Yakov Petrovich Golyadkin, a government clerk who believes that a fellow clerk has taken over his identity and is determined to bring about his ruin. …

The House of the Dead is a semi-autobiographical novel published in 1861-2 in the journal Vremya by Russian author Fyodor Dostoyevsky, which portrays the life of convicts in a Siberian prison camp. The novel has also been published under the titles Memoirs from the House of The Dead and Notes from the Dead House. The …

"White Nights" is a short story by Fyodor Dostoyevsky, originally published in 1848, early in the writer's career. Like many of Dostoyevsky's stories, "White Nights" is told in first person by a nameless narrator; the narrator is living in Saint Petersburg and suffers from loneliness. He gets to know and falls in love …

When Poor Folk was first published in 1846, Dostoyevsky — one of nineteenth-century Russia's most important authors — was just twenty-four years old. The novel brought him immediate critical and public acclaim. A poignant societal and physiological sketch, Dostoyevsky's masterpiece is written in the form of letters of …