Fjodor Dostojevskij
The Grand Inquisitor is a parable in Fyodor Dostoyevsky's novel The Brothers Karamazov. It is told by Ivan, who questions the possibility of a personal and benevolent God, to his brother Alyosha, a novice monk. The Grand Inquisitor is an important part of the novel and one of the best-known passages in modern …
The narrator and protagonist of Dostoevsky’s novel The Adolescent (first published in English as A Raw Youth) is Arkady Dolgoruky, a na•ve 19-year-old boy bursting with ambition and opinions. The illegitimate son of a dissipated landowner, he is torn between his desire to expose his father’s wrongdoing and the desire …
When Poor Folk was first published in 1846, Dostoyevsky — one of nineteenth-century Russia's most important authors — was just twenty-four years old. The novel brought him immediate critical and public acclaim. A poignant societal and physiological sketch, Dostoyevsky's masterpiece is written in the form of letters of …
"White Nights" is a short story by Fyodor Dostoyevsky, originally published in 1848, early in the writer's career. Like many of Dostoyevsky's stories, "White Nights" is told in first person by a nameless narrator; the narrator is living in Saint Petersburg and suffers from loneliness. He gets to know and falls in love …
The House of the Dead is a semi-autobiographical novel published in 1861-2 in the journal Vremya by Russian author Fyodor Dostoyevsky, which portrays the life of convicts in a Siberian prison camp. The novel has also been published under the titles Memoirs from the House of The Dead and Notes from the Dead House. The …
Dobbeltgjengeren er en novelle skrevet av forfatteren Fjodor Dostojevskij, først utgitt 30. januar 1846. Den norske oversettelsen kom i 1931. I novellen skildrer embetsmannen Goljádkin i det 19. århundrets St. Petersburg, som finner ut at han har en dobbeltgjenger. Hovedpersonens eksistensielle utvikling forvandler …
“What I am writing now is a tendentious thing,” Dostoyevsky wrote to a friend in connection with his first outline for The Devils. “I feel like saying everything as passionately as possible. (Let the nihilists and the Westerners scream that I am reactionary!) To hell with them. I shall say everything to the last …
Brødrene Karamasov er en roman av Fjodor Dostojevskij som kom ut i 1880 og var forfatterens siste verk. Romanen handler om de tre brødrene Karamasov, som representerer tre ulike typer av ungdommer: Aljosja, den fromme troende, Ivan, den intellektuelle og tvilende og til slutt livsnyteren Dmitrij. Mordet på deres far, …
Spilleren er en roman skrevet av den russiske forfatteren Fjodor Dostojevskij, publisert i 1866. Under romanens tilblivelsesprosess led forfatteren av fattigdom som et resultat av blant annet spillegalskap og forleggerne, som hadde forhåndsbetalt forfatteren, ønsket at verket skulle bli fullført fortest mulig. …