Schiller's grand historical tragedy is a battle of wits between Mary Queen of Scots and her captor, Queen Elizabeth I.Mary has been held prisoner for nineteen years by her cousin, Elizabeth I, who has condemned her to death, but is reluctant to be seen to carry out the sentence. Leicester, Elizabeth's favorite and …
A classic of 18th-century thought, Schiller's treatise on the role of art in society ranks among German philosophy’s most profound works. An important contribution to the history of ideas, it employs a political analysis of contemporary society — and of the French Revolution, in particular — to define the relationship …
Orleanska jungfrun är en tragedipjäs av den tyske författaren Friedrich Schiller. Den handlar om det franska helgonet Jeanne d'Arc. Pjäsen uruppfördes 11 september 1801 i Leipzig. Det var ett av Schillers mest uppförda verk under hans levnad. En svensk översättning av B.J. Törneblad utgavs 1813 under titeln Jungfrun …