Kanconijer Frančeska Petrarke jedna je od najpoznatijih zbirki pesama svih vremena. Inspirisana je pesnikovom platonskom ljubavlju prema gospođi Lauri. „Kanconijer“ je zbirka od 366 pesama, od toga 317 soneta, 29 kancona, 9 sestina, 7 balada i 4 madrigala. Zbirka se prirodno deli na dva dela: prvi, koji je nastao za …
Francesco Petrarca (1304-1374), one of the greatest of Italian poets, was also the leading spirit in the Renaissance movement to revive ancient Roman language and literature. Just as Petrarch's Latin epic Africa imitated Virgil and his compendium On Illustrious Men was inspired by Livy, so Petrarch's four Invectives …