É possível ensinar a um escritor o seu ofício? A questão é polêmica, especialmente quando proliferam cursos de graduação e de extensão com essa proposta. Escritora e crítica literária, Francine Prose defende que sim, há muito o que aprender com os mestres. Virginia Woolf, Jane Austen, Nabokov, Philip Roth e Flaubert …

The National Book Award Finalist from acclaimed New York Times bestselling author Francine Prose—now the major motion picture Submission “Screamingly funny … Blue Angel culminates in a sexual harassment hearing that rivals the Salem witch trials.” —USA Today It has been years since Swenson, a professor in a New …

After is a young adult novel written by Francine Prose. After a school shooting 50 miles away, the new grief and crisis counselor attempts to control the students' lives, using the recent tragedy as an excuse. The school gradually is controlled by the grip of the administration, and students who do not comply with the …

What really happened at the back of the bus?Did they, or didn't they?Did she, or didn't she?Something happened to fourteen-year-old Maisie Willard—something involving her three friends, all boys. But their stories don't match, and the rumors spin out of control. Then other people get involved . . . the school, the …