Destination: Void is a science fiction novel by American author Frank Herbert, the first set in the Destination: Void universe. It first appeared in Galaxy Magazine in August 1965, under the title Do I Wake or Dream?, but was published as Destination: Void, in book form the following year. A revised edition, edited …
Direct Descent is a short science fiction novel by Frank Herbert. It was based on the short story "Pack Rat Planet" published in 1954 in Astounding Science-Fiction.
Dune este un roman science fiction scris de Frank Herbert. A câștigat premiul Hugo în 1966 și premiul inaugural Nebula pentru "Cel mai bun roman". Dune este deseori amintit ca fiind cel mai bine-vândut roman science fiction. Cu o acțiune care se desfășoară într-un viitor îndepărtat în mijlocul unui imperiu interstelar …