The Lazarus Effect is the third science fiction novel set in the Destination: Void universe by the American author Frank Herbert and poet Bill Ransom. It takes place some time after the events in The Jesus Incident.

Destination: Void is a science fiction novel by American author Frank Herbert, the first set in the Destination: Void universe. It first appeared in Galaxy Magazine in August 1965, under the title Do I Wake or Dream?, but was published as Destination: Void, in book form the following year. A revised edition, edited …

The Godmakers is a science fiction novel by Frank Herbert. The title of early editions was sometimes styled The God Makers.

The Eyes of Heisenberg is a 1966 science fiction novel by Frank Herbert. Originally serialized as Heisenberg's Eyes in Galaxy magazine between June and August 1966, it was issued by Berkley in the same year. The title refers to Werner Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, here applied both on the molecular level and on …

«Барьер Сантароги» — научно-фантастический роман Фрэнка Герберта, рассматривающий модель создания закрытого общества внутри уже существующего.

The Road to Dune is a treasure trove of essays, articles, and fiction that every reader of Dune will want to add to their shelf. Includes never-before-published chapters from Dune and Dune Messiah, original stories, and a new short novel by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson Frank Herbert's Dune is widely known as …

The Green Brain, initially published as Greenslaves, is a science fiction novel by Frank Herbert.

«Улей Хельстрома» — научно-фантастический роман Фрэнка Герберта, повествующий о подземной человеческой колонии, организованной наподобие колонии насекомых. На русский язык роман также переводился под названием «Муравейник Хеллстрома». Роман был отмечен французским призом «Аполло» в 1978 …