A Dying Colonialism, published in 1959, is an account of the Algerian War written by Frantz Fanon. The book details cultural and political changes that emerge due to the rejection of French colonial oppression by the Algerian.

In this study, Fanon uses psychoanalysis and psychological theory to explain the feelings of dependency and inadequacy that black people experience in a white world. Originally formulated to combat the oppression of black people, Fanon's insights are now being taken up by other oppressed groups - including feminists - …

Jordens fördömda, är ett av Frantz Fanons verk, som berör den algeriska frihetskampen. Som psykiater utforskar Fanon den psykologiska dimensionen av kolonialismen. Titeln är ett citat från den franska texten till Internationalen, som inleds med följande ord: "Debout les damnés de la terre" vilken i svensk översättning …