Orpheus Emerged is a novella written by Jack Kerouac in 1945 when he was at Columbia University. The novella was discovered after his death and published in 2002. Orpheus Emerged chronicles the passions, conflicts, and dreams of a group of bohemians searching for truth while studying at a university. Kerouac wrote the …
Parables and Paradoxes is a bilingual edition of selected writings by Franz Kafka edited by Nahum N. Glatzer. In this volume of collected pieces, Kafka re-examines and rewrites some basic mythical tales of Ancient Israel, Hellas, the Far East, and the West, as well as creations of his own imagination. The material in …
Prosessen er en ufullendt, posthumt offentliggjort surrealistisk roman av den bøhmiske forfatteren Franz Kafka. Den blir regnet som Kafkas hovedverk, og som et meget betydelig litterært verk i nyere historie. Selv om boken ikke er ferdigskrevet, har den et kapittel som avslutter historien. Men at den er et uferdig …