image of Franz Kafka

Franz Kafka

* July 3, 1883 - † June 3, 1924 in Austria
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Premena je poviedka Franza Kafku vydaná v roku 1915. Medzi Kafkovými poviedkami zaujíma kľúčové postavenie a spolu s jeho ostatnými dielami patrí k vrcholom modernej prózy.

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Proces je román Franza Kafku, ktorý vznikol v rokoch 1914 a 1915. Franz Kafka má vo svojich dielach naturalizmus, prevláda tam i existencializmus. Slovo Proces má v Kafkovom svete trochu iný obraz ako v normálnom. Hlavnou postavou je pán K.

... Unknown

Zámok je nedokončený najrozsiahlejší román Franza Kafku z roku 1926. Všetko čo existuje u Kafku v častiach v korešpondencii a jeho príbehoch a prozaických útržkoch, jeho takzvaná problematika existencie človeka, dostáva v románe Zámok svoju dôraznú podobu. Hlavná postava románu zememerač K., ktorý zdanlivo blúdi a …

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Karl Rossman has been banished by his parents to America, following a family scandal. There, with unquenchable optimism, he throws himself into the strange experiences that lie before him as he slowly makes his way into the interior of the great continent. Although Kafka's first novel (begun in 1911 and never …

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Translated by PEN translation award-winner Joachim Neugroschel, The Metamorphosis, In the Penal Colony, and Other Stories has garnered critical acclaim and is widely recognized as the preeminent English-language anthology of Kafka's stories. These translations illuminate one of this century's most controversial …

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This letter is the closest that Kafka came to setting down his autobiography. He was driven to write it by his father's opposition to his engagement with Julie Wohryzek. The marriage did not take place; the letter was not delivered.

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"In the Penal Colony" is a short story by Franz Kafka written in German in October 1914, revised in November 1918, and first published in October 1919. The story is set in an unnamed penal colony. Internal clues and the setting on an island suggest Octave Mirbeau's The Torture Garden as an influence. As in some of …

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Franz Kafka's Diaries, written in German language between 1910-1923, include casual observations, details of daily life, reflections on philosophical ideas, accounts of dreams, and ideas for stories. Kafka’s diaries offer a detailed view of the writer's thoughts and feelings, as well as some of his most famous and …

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The Great Wall of China is the first posthumous collection of short stories by Franz Kafka published in Germany in 1931. It was edited by Max Brod and Hans Joachim Schoeps and collected previously unpublished short stories, incomplete stories, fragments and aphorisms written by Kafka between 1917 and 1924. The first …