image of Frederick Forsyth

Frederick Forsyth

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The Shepherd je novela z roku 1975, jejímž autorem je slavný britský spisovatel Frederick Forsyth. Forsyth toto dílo vytvořil jako vánoční dárek pro svoji manželku. Toto dílo vzniklo na základě autorových osobních zkušeností z letectva RAF a také tak, že při psaní a vymýšlení příběhu mu nad domem přelétávala letadla. …

... Unknown

The Veteran is a short story collection by British author Frederick Forsyth. The book was first published on 8 September 2001, through Thomas Dunne Books and includes five of Forsyth's short stories. This is the second short story collection by the author, following the release of his 1982 collection, No Comebacks.

... Unknown

No Comebacks is a 1982 collection of ten short stories by Frederick Forsyth. Each story takes place in a different setting and ends with a plot twist. Several of them involve a central male character without any apparent strength who is put under pressure, but who does not give in. Penthouse Magazine reviewed the …

... Unknown

Kobra je román žánru thriller britského spisovatele Fredericka Forsytha. Anglicky vyšel poprvé roku 2010. Vypráví o válce vyhlášené kolumbijskému Kartelu, jenž obchoduje s kokainem, do níž jsou zapojeny britské i americké ozbrojené síly. Děj se odehrává v USA, Británii, Španělsku, Mexiku i ve vodách Atlantského a …

... Unknown

The Phantom of Manhattan, a 1999 novel by Frederick Forsyth, is a sequel to the Andrew Lloyd Webber musical The Phantom of the Opera, itself based on the original book by Gaston Leroux. Forsyth's literary concept is that Leroux had recorded factual events but, in review, had apparently not checked his facts or viewed …

... Unknown

The Deceiver is a novel by Frederick Forsyth, about a retiring agent of the British SIS named Sam McCready. He is the head of Deception, Disinformation and Psychological Operations, and his maverick but brilliant successes have led to his nickname "The Deceiver."

... Unknown

The Negotiator is a crime novel by Frederick Forsyth first published in 1989. The story includes a number of threads that are slowly woven together. The central thread concerns a kidnapping that turns into a murder and the negotiator's attempts to solve the crime.