Martians, Go Home este un roman științifico-fantastic, umoristic, de satiră socială scris de Fredric Brown și publicat prima oară în 1955. Cartea este o parodie a genului științifico-fantastic. Marțieni, duceți-vă acasă este ultimul sunet scos de umanitatea epuizată de omuleții verzi așa cum erau imaginați în romanele …
What Mad Universe este un roman științifico-fantastic din 1949 scris de autorul american Fredric Brown.
The Fabulous Clipjoint, first published in book form in 1947, is the first full-length novel by writer Fredric Brown, who had honed his craft by publishing hundreds of short stories in the pulp magazines of the day. The Fabulous Clipjoint is also the first of seven detective novels featuring the nephew/uncle team of …
Honeymoon in Hell was a science fiction short story anthology edited by Fredric Brown, published in 1958.
The Screaming Mimi is a mystery novel by pulp writer Fredric Brown. It was first published in 1949.