Tako rzecze Zaratustra. Książka dla wszystkich i dla nikogo – książka autorstwa niemieckiego filozofa Fryderyka Nietzschego, wydana po raz pierwszy w częściach w latach 1883–1885. Uważana za najważniejsze dzieło filozofa, będące kompilacją jego poglądów.
The Birth of Tragedy from the Spirit of Music is an 1872 work of dramatic theory by the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. It was reissued in 1886 as The Birth of Tragedy, Or: Hellenism and Pessimism. The later edition contained a prefatory essay, An Attempt at Self-Criticism, wherein Nietzsche commented on this …
The Birth of Tragedy from the Spirit of Music is an 1872 work of dramatic theory by the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. It was reissued in 1886 as The Birth of Tragedy, Or: Hellenism and Pessimism. The later edition contained a prefatory essay, An Attempt at Self-Criticism, wherein Nietzsche commented on this …