Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller (1759-1805) was a German poet, philosopher, historian, and dramatist. Schiller wrote many philosophical papers on ethics and aesthetics. He developed the concept of the Schöne Seele (beautiful soul), a human being whose emotions have been educated by his reason, so that Pflicht …

Schiller's grand historical tragedy is a battle of wits between Mary Queen of Scots and her captor, Queen Elizabeth I.Mary has been held prisoner for nineteen years by her cousin, Elizabeth I, who has condemned her to death, but is reluctant to be seen to carry out the sentence. Leicester, Elizabeth's favorite and …

《阴谋与爱情》,是1784年弗里德里希·席勒的重要戏剧作品。五幕话剧,直接取材于德国现实。这个剧本以现实主义的手法反映了当时市民阶级和封建贵族之间的斗争。这部作品直接批判封建贵族的道德败坏。 它还通过一系列戏剧冲突来控诉封建贵族阶级的专横和残暴,真实地反映了市民阶级与封建贵族斗争时的弱点。“这出戏剧的反封建性鲜明而强烈,恩格斯在评论《阴谋与爱情》时说,它‘是德国第一部有政治倾向的戏剧’。” …

“Magnificent . . . leaves no doubt that you are watching a classic. . . . In Mike Poulton’s fleet and vivid translation . . . the story of a tyrannical King Philip II of Spain and his abused, love-tormented son, Don Carlos, has all the deftly plotted twists and turns of a thriller. You lean forward in your seat, …

When Schiller completed Wilhelm Tell as a "New Year's Gift for 1805" he foretold that it would cause a stir. He was right. In the midst of Great Power politics a play which drew substance from one of the fourteenth-century liberation movements proved both attractive and inflammatory. Since then the work as become …

A classic of 18th-century thought, Schiller's treatise on the role of art in society ranks among German philosophy’s most profound works. An important contribution to the history of ideas, it employs a political analysis of contemporary society — and of the French Revolution, in particular — to define the relationship …