image of Fritz Leiber

Fritz Leiber

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‹The template Infobox short story is being considered for deletion.› "Gonna Roll the Bones" is a short story by Fritz Leiber, in which Joe Slattermill plays craps with Death. First published in Harlan Ellison's Dangerous Visions, it won both the Hugo Award and Nebula Award for Best Novelette.

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Heroes and Horrors is a collection of fantasy and horror short stories by Fritz Leiber, edited by Stuart David Schiff and illustrated by Tim Kirk. It was first published in hardcover in December 1978 by Whispers Press, and in paperback in August 1980 by Pocket Books. The paperback edition omits the illustrations. The …

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Conjure Wife is a supernatural horror novel by Fritz Leiber. Its premise is that witchcraft flourishes as an open secret among women. The story is told from the point of view of a small-town college professor who discovers that his wife is a witch. This novel was the first by Fritz Leiber. It is said to have been the …

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Il grande tempo è un romanzo breve di fantascienza pubblicato nel 1958 dallo scrittore statunitense Fritz Leiber. L'opera, premiata nello stesso anno con il Premio Hugo per il miglior romanzo, tratta temi quali il viaggio nel tempo e l'ucronia. Leiber userà la stessa ambientazione e a volte gli stessi protagonisti per …

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Ill Met in Lankhmar is a collection of short stories written by Fritz Leiber.

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