표도르 도스토옙스키

《죄와 벌》은 러시아 제국의 작가 표도르 도스토옙스키의 장편소설로, 1866년 1월부터 12월까지 러시아 통보지에 연재되었고, 1867년에 단행본으로 초판이 출판되었다. 가난에 찌든 대학생이 초인 사상에 빠져 살인을 저지르고 그 후에 겪게 되는 심리적 압박감과 죄책감을 날카롭게 묘사하고 …

Notes From Underground written by legendary author Fyodor Dostoevsky is widely considered to be one of the top 100 greatest books of all time. This great classic will surely attract a whole new generation of readers. For many, Notes From Underground is required reading for various courses and curriculums. And for …

An introduction by Agnes Cardinal, Prince Myshkin returns to Russia from an asylum in Switzerland. As he becomes embroiled in the frantic amatory and financial intrigues which centre around a cast of brilliantly realised characters and which ultimately lead to tragedy, he emerges as a unique combination of the …

The Gambler brilliantly captures the strangely powerful compulsion to bet that Dostoyevsky, himself a compulsive gambler, knew so well. The hero rides an emotional roller coaster between exhilaration and despair, and secondary characters such as the Grandmother, who throws much of her fortune away at the gaming …

《카라마조프의 형제》는 도스토옙스키의 장편소설이다. 이 미완성 대작은 도스토옙스키를 평생 괴롭힌 신과 악마, 선과 악의 두 원리의 모순을 근본적으로 해결하려고 시도했던 야심작이다. 이 두 원리의 대결은 이반의 극시 <대심문관>과 장로 조시마의 수기와 대비하는 형식으로 전개되는데 결국 두 원리의 통일이 성취되지 않은 채 끝나고 있어, 작자 자신의 자아 분열이 얼마나 심각했었는가를 여실히 말해 주고 …

First published in 1846, Fyodor Dostoyevsky's novella "The Double" is a classic doppelgänger and the second major work published by the author. It is the story of Yakov Petrovich Golyadkin, a government clerk who believes that a fellow clerk has taken over his identity and is determined to bring about his ruin. …

The House of the Dead is a semi-autobiographical novel published in 1861-2 in the journal Vremya by Russian author Fyodor Dostoyevsky, which portrays the life of convicts in a Siberian prison camp. The novel has also been published under the titles Memoirs from the House of The Dead and Notes from the Dead House. The …

"White Nights" is a short story by Fyodor Dostoyevsky, originally published in 1848, early in the writer's career. Like many of Dostoyevsky's stories, "White Nights" is told in first person by a nameless narrator; the narrator is living in Saint Petersburg and suffers from loneliness. He gets to know and falls in love …

When Poor Folk was first published in 1846, Dostoyevsky — one of nineteenth-century Russia's most important authors — was just twenty-four years old. The novel brought him immediate critical and public acclaim. A poignant societal and physiological sketch, Dostoyevsky's masterpiece is written in the form of letters of …