『ブリキの太鼓』は、ドイツの作家ギュンター・グラスが1959年に発表した処女作であり長篇小説である。『猫と鼠』、『犬の年』と続く、いわゆる「ダンツィヒ三部作」の最初を飾る作品であり、第二次世界大戦後のドイツ文学における最も重要な作品の一つに数えられる。1979年にフォルカー・シュレンドルフによって映画化された。 …

Cat and Mouse, published in Germany in 1961 as Katz und Maus, is a novella by Günter Grass, the second book of the Danzig Trilogy, and the sequel to The Tin Drum. It is about Joachim Mahlke, an alienated only child without a father. The narrator Pilenz "alone could be termed his friend, if it were possible to be …

蟹の横歩き はドイツの作家ギュンター・グラスが2002年に発表した小説。ナチス・ドイツ政権末期に起こった史上最悪の海難事件であるヴィルヘルム・グストロフ号事件を題材としている。

The Flounder is a 1977 novel by the German writer Günter Grass. It is loosely based on the fairy tale The Fisherman and His Wife.

My Century is a novel written by German author Günter Grass. Having published many significant novels in the postwar period, he was awarded the 1999 Nobel Prize in Literature. Each chapter in My Century is only a few pages long. Each focuses on a single year from 1900-1999. The story of each year is told differently, …

Peeling the Onion is an autobiographical work by German Nobel Prize-winning author and playwright Günter Grass, published in 2006. It begins with the end of his childhood in Danzig when the Second World War breaks out, and ends with the author finishing his first great literary success, The Tin Drum.