Limeni bubanj je roman njemačkog književnika Günter Grassa iz 1959. godine. Napisan kao dio Dancinške trilogije. Jedno je od najvećih djela moderne poslijeratne njemačke literature. Glavni lik Oskar Matzerath, rođen u Gdanjsku 1924. godine i priča svoj život iz kuta trogodišnjeg djeteta. On, naime od trećeg rođendana, …

Local Anaesthetic is a 1969 novel by the German writer Günter Grass. It tells the story of an idealistic high-school teacher who believes society, like a pupil, is learning from experience and reason.

Cat and Mouse, published in Germany in 1961 as Katz und Maus, is a novella by Günter Grass, the second book of the Danzig Trilogy, and the sequel to The Tin Drum. It is about Joachim Mahlke, an alienated only child without a father. The narrator Pilenz "alone could be termed his friend, if it were possible to be …

My Century is a novel written by German author Günter Grass. Having published many significant novels in the postwar period, he was awarded the 1999 Nobel Prize in Literature. Each chapter in My Century is only a few pages long. Each focuses on a single year from 1900-1999. The story of each year is told differently, …