image of Gabriel García Márquez

Gabriel García Márquez

... Unknown

In Evil Hour is a novel by Colombian writer Gabriel García Márquez, first published in 1962. Written while García Márquez lived in Paris, the story was originally entitled Este pueblo de mierda. Rewritten, it won a literary prize in Colombia. Some of the same characters and situations found in La mala hora later …

... Unknown

Kronika vopred ohlásenej smrti je novela kolumbijského spisovateľa Gabriela Garcíu Márqueza. Prvýkrát vyšla v roku 1981 v španielčine. Dej príbehu sa odohráva v rovnakom prostredí ako Sto rokov samoty, viaceré osoby sú prinajmenšom spomenuté.

... Unknown

Leaf Storm is the common translation for Gabriel García Márquez's novella La Hojarasca. First published in 1955, it took seven years to find a publisher. Widely celebrated as the first appearance of Macondo, the fictitious village later made famous in One Hundred Years of Solitude, Leaf Storm is a testing ground for …