image of Gabriel García Márquez

Gabriel García Márquez

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In Evil Hour is a novel by Colombian writer Gabriel García Márquez, first published in 1962. Written while García Márquez lived in Paris, the story was originally entitled Este pueblo de mierda. Rewritten, it won a literary prize in Colombia. Some of the same characters and situations found in La mala hora later …

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Ljubezen v času kolere je roman kolumbijskega avtorja Gabriela Garcíe Márqueza, ki je bil objavljen leta 1985. Roman govori o treh literarnih likih na začetku 20. stoletja, ko v obmorskem mestu, v okolici Río Negro, pustoši kolera. Roman je bil leta 2007 na 4. mednarodnem kongresu španščine, ki se je odvijal v …

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This text narrates the kidnapping of Maruja, a well-connected journalist in her 50s living in Botoga, and of her sister-in-law, Beatriz, by the gangs run by Pablo Escobar, head of the Medellin drug cartel, and one of the richest men in the world.