Spires of Spirit, by Gael Baudino, is a collection of six novellas set in the universe of The Strands Series. It was first published in 1997 by Roc Books. The first three stories take place in the time period just prior to Strands of Starlight and second three take place in 1990s Denver, USA, about ten years after the …
Strands of Starlight is a novel written by Gael Baudino and published in 1989. It is the first in the Strands of Starlight tetralogy. The other novels are Maze of Moonlight, Shroud of Shadow, and Strands of Sunlight.
Strands of Sunlight is a novel written by Gael Baudino in 1994. It is the fourth in the Strands of Starlight tetralogy. The other novels are Strands of Starlight, Maze of Moonlight, and Shroud of Shadow. Out of the four-book series, this book alone was not released in the UK market because, according to the author, …