image of ג'ין וולף

ג'ין וולף

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"Memorare" is a science fiction novella published in 2007 by Gene Wolfe. It was nominated for the 2008 Nebula Award for Best Novella.

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In a future North America at once familiar and utterly strange, a young man and woman, Skip and Chelle, fall in love and marry. But Chelle is enlisted in the military, there is a war on, and she must serve her tour of duty before they can settle down. Earth is fighting a war with aliens in distant star systems, and …

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The Castle of the Otter is a collection of essays and other non-fiction by Gene Wolfe, related to his Book of the New Sun tetralogy. It takes its title from an incorrect announcement of the final volume in Locus. The Citadel of the Autarch was the actual name of the final work in the series. Author Gene Wolfe liked …

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Gene Wolfe's Book of Days is a short story collection by American science fiction author Gene Wolfe published in 1981 by Doubleday. The stories within the collection are each paired with a holiday within the calendar year that is thematically linked to the content of the story. Thus, a story about the resurgence of …