Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things: What Categories Reveal About the Mind is a non-fiction book by the cognitive linguist George Lakoff. The book, first published by the University of Chicago Press in 1987, puts forward a model of cognition argued on the basis of semantics. The book emphasises the centrality of …

Moral Politics: How Liberals and Conservatives Think is a 1996 book by cognitive linguist George Lakoff. It argues that conservatives and liberals hold two different conceptual models of morality. Conservatives have a Strict Father morality in which people are made good through self-discipline and hard work, everyone …

Da dove viene la matematica: Come la mente situata porta in essere la matematica è un libro del linguista cognitivista George Lakoff e dello psicologo Rafael E. Núñez. Il libro si propone di fondare una scienza cognitiva della matematica, o una teoria della matematica incorporata. È notevole soprattutto per il dialogo …