Kampen om järntronen, är den första boken i George R.R. Martins serie Sagan om is och eld. Boken gavs ut år 1996.

Kungarnas krig, är den andra boken i George R.R. Martins serie Sagan om is och eld. Boken gavs ut år 1998.

Svärdets makt, är den tredje boken i George R.R. Martins serie Sagan om is och eld. Boken gavs ut år 2000.

Kråkornas fest, är den fjärde boken i George R.R. Martins serie Sagan om is och eld. Boken gavs ut år 2005.

Drakarnas dans, är den femte och senast utkomna boken i George R.R. Martins förväntade heptalogi Sagan om is och eld. Boken var från början tänkt att släppas ett år efter Kråkornas Fest som släpptes 2005 men blev försenad flera gånger innan den slutligen släpptes i juli 2011.

Fevre Dream is a 1982 vampire novel written by best-selling U.S. novelist George R. R. Martin. It is set on the antebellum Mississippi River beginning in 1857; it has been described by some as "Bram Stoker meets Mark Twain." The book was first published in the U.S. in 1982 by Poseidon Press and still remains in print. …

A Look Inside The Hedge Knight Click here for a larger image Click here for a larger image Click here for a larger image

Windhaven is a science-fiction and fantasy novel co-written by novelist and screenwriter George R. R. Martin, but mainly by novelist Lisa Tuttle. The novel is a collection of three novellas compiled and first published together in 1981 by Simon and Schuster. It was later reprinted by Bantam Spectra in hardcover in …

Tuf Voyaging is a 1986 science fiction fix-up novel by George R. R. Martin, first published in hardcover by Baen Books. It is a darkly comic meditation on environmentalism and absolute power. Martin cited fantasy fiction and science fiction Grand Master Jack Vance as having a large influence on his Haviland Tuf …

Dying of the Light is American author George R. R. Martin's first novel, published in 1977. Martin's original title for this science fiction novel was After the Festival; its title was changed before its first hardcover publication. The novel was nominated for both the Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1978, and the …