image of George R.R. Martin

George R.R. Martin

* September 20, 1948 in United States
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Hunter's Run is a 2007 science fiction novel written by Daniel Abraham, Gardner Dozois and George R. R. Martin. It is a heavily-rewritten and expanded version of an earlier novella called Shadow Twin.

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Dying of the Light is American author George R. R. Martin's first novel, published in 1977. Martin's original title for this science fiction novel was After the Festival; its title was changed before its first hardcover publication. The novel was nominated for both the Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1978, and the …

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The first volume in the Wild Cards shared universe fiction series edited by George R. R. Martin. It was first published in 1987 and contained a dozen short stories establishing the Wild Cards universe, introducing the main characters and setting up plot threads that still continue to play out over the rest of the …

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Tuf Voyaging is a 1986 science fiction fix-up novel by George R. R. Martin, first published in hardcover by Baen Books. It is a darkly comic meditation on environmentalism and absolute power. Martin cited fantasy fiction and science fiction Grand Master Jack Vance as having a large influence on his Haviland Tuf …

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Windhaven is a science-fiction and fantasy novel co-written by novelist and screenwriter George R. R. Martin, but mainly by novelist Lisa Tuttle. The novel is a collection of three novellas compiled and first published together in 1981 by Simon and Schuster. It was later reprinted by Bantam Spectra in hardcover in …

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A Look Inside The Hedge Knight Click here for a larger image Click here for a larger image Click here for a larger image

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Fevre Dream is a 1982 vampire novel written by best-selling U.S. novelist George R. R. Martin. It is set on the antebellum Mississippi River beginning in 1857; it has been described by some as "Bram Stoker meets Mark Twain." The book was first published in the U.S. in 1982 by Poseidon Press and still remains in print. …

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Dansa amb dracs és la cinquena novel·la de la sèrie de literatura fantàstica Cançó de gel i de foc de l'autor estatunidenc George R.R. Martin. Va aparèixer en anglès el 12 de juliol del 2011 i el 16 de maig del 2012 en català. El títol de llibre prové de la 'Dansa amb Dracs', una guerra civil que va succeir a Westeros …

... Unknown

Festí de corbs és la quarta novel·la de la sèrie de literatura fantàstica Cançó de gel i de foc de l'autor George R.R. Martin. La traducció al català va aparèixer el 16 de maig del 2012 per l'editorial Alfaguara. A causa de la complexitat i la llargària els editors varen decidir dividir-la en dues parts, publicades …

... Unknown

Tempesta d'espases és la tercera novel·la de la sèrie Cançó de gel i de foc, de l'autor estatunidenc George R.R. Martin. Va aparèixer en anglès l'agost del 2000 al Regne Unit, el novembre als Estats Units i el març del 2012 a Catalunya. Aquesta novel·la és la més llarga de tota la sèrie, per això els editors van …