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Displaying 1-20 of 84 results.
Bibliotheca Steevensiana: A Catalogue of the Curious and Valuable Library of George Steevens, Esq., Fellow of the Royal and Antiquary Societies, (lately deceased)
George Steevens
The plays of William Shakspeare : in ten volumes : with the corrections and illustrations of various commentators : to which are added notes by Samuel Johnson and George Steevens
Вилијам Шекспир
A supplemental apology for the believers in the Shakspeare-papers : being a reply to Mr. Malone's answer, which was early announced, but never published : with a dedication to George Steevens, and a postscript to T.J. Mathias
George Chalmers
A Comparative Review of the Opinions of Mr. James Boaden, (Editor of the Oracle) in February, March and April, 1795; and of James Boaden, Esq. (Author of Fontainville Forest, and of a Letter to George Steevens, Esq.) In February, 1796, relative to the Shakspeare MSS
John Wyatt
A letter to George Steevens, Esq. : containing a critical examination of the papers of Shakspeare, published by Mr. Samuel Ireland : to which are added, extracts from Vortigern
James Boaden
The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger
George Guidall
The diary of a young girl: Anne Frank ; translated from the Dutch by B.M. Mooyaart-Doubleday ; with an introduction by Eleanor Roosevelt ; and a new preface by George Stevens
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Stephen King's Creepshow: A George Romero Film
Stephen King
George's Secret Key to the Universe
Lucy Hawking
They Called Us Enemy
Justin Eisinger
Conversations with the Great Moviemakers of Hollywood's Golden Age at the American Film Institute
George Jr. Stevens
Shane (Videorecording)
George Stevens
Woman of the Year
George Stevens
Swing time [videorecording]
George Stevens
Penny Serenade
George Stevens
George Stevens
A mathematician's survival guide : graduate school and early career development
Steven G. Krantz
Calculus demystified
Steven G. Krantz
A Primer of Mathematical Writing - Being a Disquisition on Having Your Ideas Recorded, Typeset, Published, Read & ...
Steven G. Krantz
Alice Adams
George Stevens
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