When the unconventional Durrell family can no longer endure the damp, gray English climate, they do what any sensible family would do: sell their house and relocate to the sunny Greek isle of Corfu. My Family and Other Animals was intended to embrace the natural history of the island but ended up as a delightful …

Birds, Beasts, and Relatives is the second volume of the autobiographical Corfu Trilogy by naturalist Gerald Durrell. The trilogy describes his childhood spent on the Greek island of Corfu between 1935 and 1939. Like its predecessor, the more famous My Family and Other Animals, Durrell intersperses humorous family …

A Zoo in My Luggage by British naturalist Gerald Durrell is the story of Durrell's 1957 animal collecting trip to British Cameroon, the northwestern corner of present-day Cameroon. First published in 1960, it is one of a half-dozen books about animal collecting trips that Durrell wrote. The book tells the story of how …

The Bafut Beagles by British naturalist Gerald Durrell tells the story of Durrell's collecting expedition to the Cameroons, made in 1949, with Kenneth Smith. Published in 1954, it was Durrell's third book for popular audiences. Particularly notable was his depiction of a native ruler, the Fon of Bafut, who proved so …

Menagerie Manor was a book by Gerald Durrell, published in 1964. The book is a collection of pen portraits of some of the creatures of Gerald Durrell's Zoo - and some of the lessons Durrell learned about making real and sustaining his childhood ambition of having his own Zoo. It officially opened on March 26, 1959. …

Пияната гора е книга на Джералд Даръл за първата му експедиция в Аржентина и Парагвай през 1953/1954. Книгата е издадена през 1956 със заглавие The Drunken Forest.

Шепнещата земя e книга на Джералд Даръл за втората му експедиция в Аржентина през 1958 г. Както пише Даръл, „Шепнещата земя“ е своеобразно продължение на книгата му „Зоологическа градина в моя багаж“, която разказва за експедицията му в Западна Африка. В „Шепнещата земя“ Даръл описва как в продължение на осем месеца …

Written with Gerald Durrell's usual sharp eye for observing humour in any situation, Rosy Is My Relative will delight fans both old and new. At the age of thirty, Adrian Rookwhistle's life hasn't quite turned out the way he'd have hoped. Working an unfulfilling job as a clerk in the city and living under the tyranny …