The Act of Roger Murgatroyd: An Entertainment is a whodunit by Gilbert Adair first published in 2006. Set in the 1930s and written in the vein of an Agatha Christie novel, it has all the classic ingredients of a 1930s mystery and is, according to the author, "at one and the same time, a celebration, a parody and a …

Snílci jsou román skotského spisovatele Gilberta Adaira z roku 2003. Děj se odehrává na pozadí pařížských nepokojů z roku 1968, hlavními postavami jsou americký student Matthew a jeho francouzští přátelé – dvojčata – Isabella a Théo.

A Closed Book is a short novel by Gilbert Adair, published in 2000. The book starts with a slightly awkward meeting between a crotchety blind author and a sighted interviewee he seeks to employ as his assistant. The narrative is presented almost entirely through dialogue between the two men, puctuated by fragments of …

Alice Through the Needle's Eye: A Third Adventure for Lewis Carroll's Alice is a 1984 novel by Gilbert Adair that pays tribute to the work of Lewis Carroll through a further adventure of the eponymous fictional heroine, told in Carroll's surrealistic style.

Love and Death on Long Island is a novella written by Gilbert Adair and first published in 1990.