The Man Who Was Thursday: A Nightmare is a novel by G. K. Chesterton, first published in 1908. The book has been referred to as a metaphysical thriller. Although it deals with anarchists, the novel is not an exploration or rebuttal of anarchist thought; Chesterton's ad hoc construction of "Philosophical Anarchism" is …

Náš vzájemný přítel je poslední dokončený román od anglického spisovatele Charlese Dickense. Poprvé byl vydán v roce 1865. Dickens vypráví spletitý příběh plný tajemství, úklad, pletich, zrady, lásky, hamižnosti a nečekaných rozuzlení.

Ortodoxie je kniha anglického spisovatele a myslitele G. K. Chestertona, která se zařadila mezi spisy obrany křesťanské víry. Autor ji napsal v roce 1908, čtrnáct let před konverzí ke katolické víře, a považoval ji za doplnění druhé knihy nazvané Heretika . V úvodní kapitole uvedl, že „základní křesťanská teologie je …

The Everlasting Man is a Christian apologetics book written by G. K. Chesterton, published in 1925. It is, to some extent, a deliberate rebuttal of H. G. Wells' The Outline of History, disputing Wells' portrayals of human life and civilization as a seamless development from animal life and of Jesus Christ as merely …

The Napoleon of Notting Hill is a novel written by G. K. Chesterton in 1904, set in a nearly unchanged London in 1984. Although the novel is set in the future, it is, in effect, set in an alternative reality of Chesterton's own period, with no advances in technology or changes in the class system or attitudes. It …

"The first of G.K. Chesterton's books about seemingly hapless sleuth Father Brown, ""The Innocence of Father Brown"" collects twelve classic tales: ""The Blue Cross,"" ""The Secret Garden,"" ""The Queer Feet,"" ""The Flying Stars,"" ""The Invisible Man,"" ""The Honour of Israel Gow,"" ""The Wrong Shape,"" ""The Sins …

The Club of Queer Trades is a collection of stories by G. K. Chesterton first published in 1905. Each story in the collection is centered on a person who is making his living by some novel and extraordinary means. To gain admittance one must have invented a unique means of earning a living and the subsequent trade …

Immortalized in these famous stories, G. K. Chesterton's endearing amateur sleuth has entertained countless generations of readers. For, as his admirers know, Father Brown's cherubic face and unworldly simplicity, his glasses and his huge umbrella, disguise a quite uncanny understanding of the criminal mind at work. …