264pages. poche. Broch. Dans la grande salle de justice, l'heure de l'affrontement ultime a sonn. Pazair, devenu vizir d'Egypte, et son pouse Nfret; mdecin-chef du royaume, n'hsitent plus dfier le ministre des Finances qui se prsente ccmme le porte-parole des conjurs dtenant le testament des dieux et dont le but avou …

Mama Day is the third novel by Gloria Naylor. The story, which makes many allusions to the dramatic works of Shakespeare, focuses upon the tragic love affair of "star-crossed" lovers Ophelia "Cocoa" Day and George Andrews. The setting of the novel is split between New York City, where George was born and raised and …

Bailey's Café is a 1992 novel by award-winning American author Gloria Naylor. The novel consists of a loosely intertwined group of stories, all told in first person, about the owners and patrons of Bailey's Cafe, an apparently supernatural establishment, set nominally in New York City, whose entrance can be found from …