The Lawless Roads is a travel account by Graham Greene, based on his 1938 trip to Mexico, to see the effects of the government's campaign of forced anti-Catholic secularisation and how the inhabitants had reacted to the brutal anticlerical purges of President Plutarco Elías Calles. A Catholic and conservative man, …

Bertram is not a believer in luck. An unambitious accountant, his plans for his second marriage are typically quiet: St. Luke’s then two weeks in Bournemouth. But he comes to the attention of Dreuther, the director of his company, who changes Bertram’s plans for him: wedding and honeymoon in Monte Carlo, on board his …

The Captain and the Enemy is the last novel published by the English author Graham Greene.

Monsignor Quixote is a novel by Graham Greene, published in 1982. The book is a pastiche of the classic Spanish novel Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes with many moments of comedy, but also offers reflection on matters such as life after a dictatorship, Communism, and the Catholic faith.