Den stillsamme amerikanen är en roman med antikrigstema från 1955, skriven av Graham Greene. Boken utkom i Storbritannien 1955, och året därpå i USA. Boken har också filmatiserats två gånger, senast 2002 som Den stillsamme amerikanen.

Doctor Fischer of Geneva or The bomb party is a novel by the English novelist Graham Greene. The eponymous party has been examined as an example of a statistical search problem.

A Sort of Life is the first volume of autobiography by British novelist Graham Greene, first published in 1971.

England Made Me or The Shipwrecked is an early novel by Graham Greene. It was first published in 1935, and was republished as The Shipwrecked in 1953. It is set in Stockholm and concerns the travails of ne'er-do-well Anthony Farrant who finds himself working as a bodyguard to a dubious Swedish financier whose …

It's a Battlefield is an early novel by Graham Greene, first published in the year 1934. Graham Greene later described it as his "first overtly political novel". Its theme, said Greene, is "the injustice of man's justice." Later in life, Greene classified his major books as "novels" and his lighter works as …