City at the End of Time is a 2008 science fiction novel by American writer Greg Bear. It was published in August 2008 by Del Rey in the United States, and Gollancz in the United Kingdom. The story follows three drifters in present-day Seattle who are tormented by strange dreams of the Kalpa, a city one hundred …
Quantico is a 2005 science fiction/thriller novel by Greg Bear. The novel concerns a group of FBI agents trying to prevent a massive bioterrorist attack. A sequel, Mariposa, was published in 2009.
Planeta adormită este un roman scris de Greg Bear, care aparține universului ficțional Războiul stelelor. Acțiunea romanului succede evenimentele din Amenințarea fantomei, desfășurându-se cu 29 de ani înaintea celor din Războiul stelelor: Din aventurile lui Luke Skywalker.
Queen of Angels is a 1990 science fiction novel written by Greg Bear. It was nominated for the Hugo, Campbell and Locus Awards in 1991. It was followed by a sequel, "/", also known as Slant.
Fundație și Haos este un roman science fiction scris de Greg Bear, a cărui acțiune se petrece în universul Fundației creat de Isaac Asimov. Este a doua carte din A doua trilogie a Fundației, scrisă după moartea lui Asimov de trei autori și autorizată de patrimoniul Asimov.
Anvil of Stars is a book by Greg Bear and a sequel to The Forge of God. In the novel, volunteers from among the children saved from the recently destroyed Earth are sent on a quest by a galactic faction called "The Benefactors" to find and destroy "The Killers," the civilization who sent the killer probes in the first …
Moving Mars is a science fiction novel written by Greg Bear. Published in 1993, it won the 1994 Nebula Award for Best Novel, and was also nominated for the 1994 Hugo, Locus, and John W. Campbell Memorial Awards, each in the same category. The main focus of Moving Mars is the coming of age and development of Casseia …