מרשעת: תולדות חייה וזמנה של המכשפה הרעה מהמערב הוא רומן פנטזיה מאת גרגורי מגווייר שפורסם בשנת 1995. הספר מתאר אירועים המתרחשים בארץ עוץ, מספרו של ל. פרנק באום, "הקוסם מארץ עוץ" והמשכיו. הגיבורה הראשית של הספר היא המכשפה הרעה מהמערב, שמגווייר המציא לה את השם אלפבה. ברומן מתוארים חייה מלידתה ועד לתקופה שבה נחתה דורותי …

Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister is a novel by Gregory Maguire, retelling the tale of Cinderella through the eyes of one of her "ugly stepsisters". In 2002, the book was adapted into a TV movie of the same name directed by Gavin Millar.

Son of a Witch is a fantasy novel written by Gregory Maguire. The book is Maguire’s fifth revisionist story and the second set in the land of Oz originally conceived by L. Frank Baum. It is a sequel to Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West. Like Wicked, Son of a Witch differs from the original …

Mirror, Mirror is an American novel published in 2003. It was written by Gregory Maguire. The novel is a revisionist version of the tale of Snow White.

Lost is a 2001 novel by American author Gregory Maguire. Unlike many of Maguire's other adult novels, Lost is set in the real world. The novel's concept is that the protagonist is a distant relation of the man who inspired Charles Dickens' character of Ebenezer Scrooge.

A Lion Among Men is the third novel in Gregory Maguire's The Wicked Years and was released in the UK on October 2, 2008, October 8 in the US, and on October 14, 2008 in the rest of Europe. Prior to the publication of A Lion Among Men, Maguire stated that "this book will be about the differing moralities... among …