Alcools, first published in 1913 and one of the few indispensable books of twentieth- century poetry, provides a key to the century’s history and consciousness. Champion of “cubism”, Guillaume Apollinaire (1880-1918) fashions in verse the sonic equivalent of what Picasso accomplishes in his cubist works: simultaneity. …

Calligrammes, subtitled Poems of Peace and War 1913-1916, is a collection of poems by Guillaume Apollinaire which was first published in 1918. Calligrammes is noted for how the typeface and spatial arrangement of the words on a page plays just as much of a role in the meaning of each poem as the words themselves - a …

Hirveä Hospodar on ranskalaisen runoilija ja taidekriitikko Guillaume Apollinairen vuonna 1907 kirjoittama pornografiaa parodioiva romaani. Teos ilmestyi ensimmäisen kerran Apollinairen nimellä vasta vuonna 1970, jolloin Apollinairen perikunta myönsi ensimmäistä kertaa teoksen olemassaolon. Toinen toistaan hurjempia …