image of 威廉·莎士比亚


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Complete Works of William Shakespeare is the standard name given to any volume containing all the plays and poems of William Shakespeare. Some editions include several works which were not completely of Shakespeare's authorship, such as The Two Noble Kinsmen, a collaboration with John Fletcher, Pericles, Prince of …

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《凯撒大帝》是莎士比亚的其中一出悲剧,通常被认定为是在1599年完成的。故事描述公元前44年一众罗马元老计划并成功刺杀独裁官朱利叶斯·凯撒,以及叛徒们在腓力比被击退的经过。莎士比亚有另外两出戏剧也是改编自古罗马历史,即《安东尼与克丽奥佩托拉》及《科利奥兰纳斯》,而《安东尼与克丽奥佩托拉》更可算是此剧的续集。 …