Gospa Bovaryjeva je francoski realistični roman s podnaslovom Podeželske nravi avtorja Gustava Flauberta. Roman je najprej izhajal leta 1856 v šestih nadaljevanjih v literarni reviji Revue de Paris. Prva verzija dela je izšla leta 1857, končna izdaja, s Flaubertovimi popravki, po kateri je roman tudi preveden, pa leta …

An epic story of lust, cruelty, and sensuality, this historical novel is set in Carthage in the days following the First Punic War with Rome.For more than seventy years, Penguin has been the leading publisher of classic literature in the English-speaking world. With more than 1,700 titles, Penguin Classics represents …

Bouvard et Pécuchet is an unfinished satirical work by Gustave Flaubert, published in 1881 after his death in 1880. Although it was conceived in 1863 as Les Deux Cloportes, and partially inspired by a short story of Barthélemy Maurice, Flaubert did not begin the work in earnest until 1872, at a time when financial …

The Temptation of Saint Anthony is a book which the French author Gustave Flaubert spent practically his whole life fitfully working on, in three versions he completed in 1849, 1856 and 1872 before publishing the final version in 1874. It takes as its subject the famous temptation faced by Saint Anthony the Great in …