Sentimentalni odgoj je roman Gustavea Flauberta o korozivnom učinku vremena na mladenačke iluzije. Vrijeme prolazi, a situacije ostaju gotovo iste. "Ovaj roman putovanja, šetnje i kretanja ostavlja dojam stajanja na mjestu." Labirint grada odvodi Frederica uvijek na ista mjesta, a putovanja su uvijek vraćanja i ne …

Three Tales is a work by Gustave Flaubert that was originally published in French in 1877. It consists of the short stories "A Simple Heart", "Saint Julian the Hospitalier," and "Hérodias". "Dance of Death" is another story sometimes grouped with "Simple Heart" and "Saint Julian the Hospitalier" as Three Short Works.

In A Simple Heart, the poignant story that inspired Julian Barnes' Flaubert’s Parrot, Félicité, a French housemaid, approaches a lifetime of servitude with human-scaled but angelic aplomb. No other author has imparted so much beauty and integrity to so modest an existence. Flaubert's "great saint" endures loss after …

Jacques Barzun's masterful translation proves that Flaubert's Dictionary of Accepted Ideas―an acid catalogue of the clichés of 19th-century France―is as relevant today as ever. Throughout his life Flaubert made it a game to eavesdrop for the cliché, the platitude, the borrowed and unquestioned idea with which the …