Samostalni ljudi je roman islandskog nobelovca Halldóra Laxnessa objavljen u dva dijela 1934. i 1935. godine. Govori o bijednom životu siromašnih seljaka u teškim prirodnim i društvenim uvjetima sjevernog Islanda početkom 20. stoljeća. Glavni lik, Bjartur, nakon dugogodišnjeg teškog rada na tuđem imanju, uspijeva …
Abandoned as a baby, Alfgrimur is content to spend his days as a fisherman living in the turf cottage outside Reykjavik with the elderly couple he calls grandmother and grandfather. There he shares the mid-loft with a motley bunch of eccentrics and philosophers who find refuge in the simple respect for their fellow …
Iceland's Bell is a historical novel by Nobel prize-winning Icelandic author Halldór Kiljan Laxness. It was published in three parts: Iceland's Bell, The Bright Jewel or The Fair Maiden and Fire in Copenhagen. The novel takes place in the 18th century, mostly in Iceland and Denmark. Like many of Laxness's works, the …